the forgotten
The Community Check-Up is a national organization that aims to restructure the climate narrative
as a public health emergency by improving educational outreach and raising a new generation
of environmental health warriors.
What is Environmental Health?
Environmental health is the branch of public health that
Focuses on the relationship between people and their environment
Promotes human health
and well-being
Fosters healthy and safe communities
Why Enviromental Health is Important?
The climate movement has a massive messaging issue. It often treats climate issues as abstract; when in reality, the health of real people, especially minorities, is directly impacted by environmental instability.
People are hurting across our nation due to environmental instability. We can’t treat climate-related issues as solely environmental issues. These issues are a threat to public health, and we need to demand action with an intersectional approach. We need more environmental health warriors.

Environmental Issues are Health Issues
Environmental Health Disparities occur when communities exposed to poor environmental quality and social inequity have higher rates of sickness and disease than wealthier, less polluted communities.
Our Aim
We believe that we can foster a new era of environmentalism that emphasizes environmental health justice and intersectionality. We hope to empower budding youth leaders and community educators to reframe climate education in their communities with the public health lens. This will allow us to address minority health issues and other environmental health disparities in our nation today.

Environmental Issues Impact Minority Health
The Community Check-Up was first envisioned by Rohan Arora and Roma Arora. They first realized how lacking our existing climate narrative truly was after watching how air pollution took a toll on the health of their loved ones. Ever since they were young, they were taught that the climate crisis is something severe, yet they never learned the true reality of what the climate crisis was doing to actual people till their personal experiences watching their loved ones suffer.
Our Reach
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